Occasionally, some people create fake websites whose design imitates Wallapop's. Their aim is to try to steal personal information through these means, such as bank card details or passwords. Their goal is to try to steal personal information through these means, such as bank card details or passwords. This practice is known as "phishing" or "phishing". The ultimate goal is to defraud users, usually by charging amounts on the bank cards entered.
Be very careful if you are sent a website by Whatsapp or e-mail that looks like Wallapop.
By making the website look realistic, the scammers hope to trick you into adding your bank card thinking you are going to collect a sale.
To help you tell the difference, here are some tips.
Check that the domain is an official Wallapop domain
Learn how to identify fraudulent websites
- Pages with suspicious domains, other than the official Wallapop ones indicated on this page.
- Pages where bank card details are requested when making a sale.
- Chat where steps to follow are indicated within the user's bank application.